
DnD- Kirai sketches.

I haven't played DnD in AGES.  But I miss my characters intensely.  I have no one to play DnD with while I'm on the island, so I just draw them out the kinda quench some of my need for geekiness. 
Kirai is a Tiefling Bard/Fighter. Most of the time she's being a little thief. She's a terrible tease and a wonderful seductress.  Her heart, though, belongs only to one man.  Although she will never admit it out loud.  Not to others anyway.
The top picture portrays Kirai as she is charmed by a benevolent fairy taking her away from the rest of the party and to parts unknown of the woods.
The picture bellow shows an image of Kirai hiding behind a corner, worried.  They're being attacked and, although it looks clear up ahead, she fears there are traps.  Or worse, and ambush.

I suck at Backgrounds.  But I'll have them done at some point in my life. I promise. These are still sketches.  So gotta ink, ink, ink!

Do the Chibi Dance!

I'm Hella Punk Rock.

So when I get bored and feel uninspired to draw anything grand (or at least attempt to) I draw chibis.  So here's a few chibis of me, my husband, and my sister.


Obviously not finished yet.  Inked them while I was waiting at the hospital doing pre-admissions crap.  But soon they shall be lovely and fully inked with colours!


Custom Shoes - Finished!

They are finally finished. This is the pair of shoes I've been working on for my mum for like a month now. I had one shoe left to finish and SMASH! Blocked. 'twas terrible.

But I got to finish them tonight. The pictures look atrocious because my camera sucks and they were taken at 2 am, but deal with me here, eh?

Prismacolor markers. Acrylics. Sharpies. Glitter Gel Pens. Cheap Shoes.

Postcard 3 - Steampunk Cube

Another postcard! This one for a friend very into the steam punk scene.

Just another: Have a Happy Day card.


Postcard 2 - GIANT SQUID!!!!

This postcard I made for another friend of mine. I just kinda went on a postcard making frenzy. I like thinking that people will expect bills in th email and suddenly: SURPRISE HAPPY COLORFUL LETTER MAKING YOUR DAY BRIGHTER!

I hope so at least. Just using index cards and ummm...stickers...yeaaaah.....stickers! Hahaha. But anyways. The whole 'Giant Squid' thing is totally a D&D thing from one of the campaigns we were in. Some dumbass in the group had to be all: OMG, we're gonna be in the open sea. Does this mean...GIANT SQUID?!

.......Note to all DnD players out there. Never give your DM ideas. EVER!!!!

But anyways, here's the giant squid. :)


Postcard 1- Chibi Eldar

Letter Front.

Letter Back.
I mentioned I've been making postcards lately. Well this is the first postcard received. I scanned them all before sending them, but I'll only be uploading them as they are received to not spoil the surprise for any of my friends.


Everyone always just gets junk in the mail, now-a-days. Or worse, bills. I hate bills, especially cellphone bills because you never know how bad that's gonna be. But anyways! I wanted to give all my friends something nice in the mail. So they could feel a bit better and uplifted during these difficult times for everyone.

This one I made for Hannah. It's supposed to be a chibi Eldar. She plays Eldar army in 40k so I figured this would be a cute gift. I tried my best to give it her army colours.


Something Something

Changing the blog Template for a second while I make it a new banner and change the colours. It'll just look funky for a bit. Maybe a day. Sorry 'bout that.

Meanwhile, here's some old art.


Return of Eve - An Oldie.

And what Eve had thought to be a balloon suddenly slowly rolled down towards her from the heavens above, apparently ignoring the helium within it.

Eve, would you not like that which Tommy has?

And Eve looked towards where the creature pointed, and saw Tommy, sitting with his mother and his father. Neither which Eve had ever had.

Yes, I would.

Then why not take it?

Well... would that not make Tommy unhappy?

But does he not care about your happiness enough to let you have what he has? Is he selfish? or is he ignorant to the pain you feel whenever you understand that you are different in being 'alone'?

And Eve was quiet as she watched Tommy play with his parents.

Wouldn't it be great to be all the things Tommy was with his parents?

When she turned back to the creature, she was hesitant, but the creature merely smiled. And very slowly, it crawled even further down from its floating stance, to crawl upon the earth with its four legs, tugging Eve along the way.

Soon, Eve would have whta Tommy had.. and her body shook with excitement...


This is very old work. I was browsing through my deviant art today trying to find some before and afters of character sketches and came upon this.

I had forgotten about this sketch. I had ESPECIALLY forgotten about what I had, on a whim, written underneath it as the description.

I felt very...happy. So I wanted to share it.

Guest Post - Ligriv's Pipe - Birthday Gift

My husband has gotten REALLY into carving and widdling wood. For three days straight that's all he did.

Now, this isn't the first pipe he's carved. The first one I won't post here because, of course, it's his work of art to post somewhere, not mine. But this one's special.

This pipe he made as a gift for my birthday! It's not too small, not too big. It's really only 3 inches in length. I love it.

All I asked was that it not be too big or too small and that somewhere on it it should have a mushroom. He designed the mushroom under the bowl of the pipe.

He really made it happen. I love this pipe and I'm so impressed by how well he can work wood.

This pipe was carved out of Guava tree wood we had outside of my parent's house.

Currently he's working on making more pipes. Some for fun, some custom designs for costumers.

I'm sure he'll have photos of the rest of the pipes he has carved on his page once he has a few he'd like to show case.

Magical Fish Kisses

Again, I fucking love fishies. I want this on a shirt or hoodie design. I don't care. I really need to finish it. I think I'll make it digital and put it on clothes. It's rather lovely. I've always liked it. Had it around for ages but only recently inked some of it. And only now thinking of finishing it and doign SOMETHING with it.

Practicing men and foreshortening.

Ok so I really suck at drawing men. REALLY REALLY sick at drawing the male figure. I guess I've gotten too used to drawing the female form and now all my men seem... girly. This was my attempt at practicing foreshortening (his arm stretching out). My attempt at drawing a dude (my husband says I still failed). And doing liberty spikes of some kind for the first time. Also, wanted to practice a different pose, so I figured, opening a door would be pretty cool.

3269 Belden St Crew For Life.

All done in pen. No pencil.

Self Portrait # 2

Back when I wanted to get back into DA I wanted to make a nice little self portrait of me to put on my page. You know, everyone draws their own so I wanted to do my own as well. I sketched this pretty out one night and have yet to finish it. I need to fix the breasts of course, and now I have dreads on one side and a shaved head on the other...but fuck it. I think it came out pretty fucking good.

I love mushrooms. I love suns. I love koi fish. You know this already. It's everywhere in my art. I'll get tired of it soon, I swear!