And what Eve had thought to be a balloon suddenly slowly rolled down towards her from the heavens above, apparently ignoring the helium within it.
Eve, would you not like that which Tommy has?
And Eve looked towards where the creature pointed, and saw Tommy, sitting with his mother and his father. Neither which Eve had ever had.
Yes, I would.
Then why not take it?
Well... would that not make Tommy unhappy?
But does he not care about your happiness enough to let you have what he has? Is he selfish? or is he ignorant to the pain you feel whenever you understand that you are different in being 'alone'?
And Eve was quiet as she watched Tommy play with his parents.
Wouldn't it be great to be all the things Tommy was with his parents?
When she turned back to the creature, she was hesitant, but the creature merely smiled. And very slowly, it crawled even further down from its floating stance, to crawl upon the earth with its four legs, tugging Eve along the way.
Soon, Eve would have whta Tommy had.. and her body shook with excitement...
This is very old work. I was browsing through my deviant art today trying to find some before and afters of character sketches and came upon this.
I had forgotten about this sketch. I had ESPECIALLY forgotten about what I had, on a whim, written underneath it as the description.
I felt very...happy. So I wanted to share it.
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