
Doodles on Newspapers - Epic Battles.

My husband and I enjoy playing Sudoku in the newspapers here. But sometimes we get a bit off track and start doodling all over.  My big fishie is saying: I am your dreaming.  Awaken!  Or something along those lines.  While his evil spider man with human head is saying something like: HOLY SHIT THAT'S A HUGE FISH!  And evolving into a hand with a gun to kill it.  So violent!
Yeah, we're dorks.  I love him.
I also just doodle fishies at random on newspapers.  It just happens.  I have a short attention span, haha.


Postcard 4 - Smoking Fishie

This is a postcard I made for my sister-in-law.  We hadn't been able to get a hold of her in ages, so we figured we'd send her a nice letter, just in case she was down.  And to let her know we loved her and were not forgetting her.   The letter was actually a little booklet made out of index cards cut up and glued together then stapled to make the booklet effect.
Reyna and I have a love for fishies.  Koi and goldfishies mostly.  So I thought it appropriate to send her a postcard with a fishie and her fave patter.  Pink and black checker board.  :)

I scanned it before I wrote anything on the bottom.  I've forgotten what I wrote, but here's the post card she received.
Just another:
Have a good day, we love you!  Post card for friends and family and loved ones all 'round.  :)